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Thursday, October 2, 2014

CDC Director Contradicts Himself Live over How Ebola Is Spread


Why are they smiling so much, anyway?

CDC officials have told us the outbreak of Ebola on American soil — the first ever Ebola patient diagnosed outside of Africa is here — but don’t worry, they have everything under control.

They have continually reassured the public that they have complete confidence in their protocols and the American medical infrastructure which will follow those protocols to a ‘T’.

Except with Ebola Patient Zero, the hospital in Dallas that sent a man home who showed up with flu-like symptoms after just having returned six days prior from the Ebola-ravaged African nation of Liberia, the protocols and that infrastructure the CDC is so confident in has “regrettably” failed.

In the meantime, the video above shows how the CDC Director managed to contradict himself in just a minute-and-a-half regarding how Ebola is transmitted live on the national news.

The lesson here? Stay as healthy as possible, work on boosting your immune system and stop looking to the government to take care of you.

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Read more about CDC Director Contradicts Himself Live over How Ebola Is Spread

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