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Friday, March 13, 2015

The House The Devil Built

devil house


As we are being lured into occult symbolism with the revelation of the method brought to us through movies and television, it may benefit you to know that much of what is pop occult and pop Illuminati has a very deep serious side. It will shock many people when they understand that pyramids and obelisks, ancient codices, hexagrams, the compass and the square and the all-seeing eye have connections to mystical mathematics and to the structure and building of the matrix in which we live in.

However there is an argument of sorts as to who owns the deed to this world and who the builders and architects of antiquity were getting their knowledge from. Secretive religious sects and secret orders have kept secrets that have until now been revealed to the common man.

Yet the common man may find himself in denial of what exactly has been built and why it was at one time a paradise and then became a blighted place full of chaos and evil.

From the construction of the tower in Nimrod’s time to the massive stargate at CERN there have been hints and indications of what or even who is responsible for having a hand in building such edifices and why they are used for nefarious left-handed purposes.


There are Gnostic thoughts that proclaim that the matrix that has been constructed for our reality was created by the Demiurge. The term Demiurge derives from the ancient Greek "demiourgos" (latinized demiurgus), meaning "artisan" or "craftsman." In various belief systems this is a deity responsible for the creation of the physical universe.

The precise nature and character of the Demiurge however varies from a benign architect of matter in some, to the personification of evil in others.

Plato refers to the Demiurge frequently in the Timaeus as the entity who "fashioned and shaped" the material world. Plato describes the Demiurge as unreservedly good and hence desirous of a world as good as possible. The world remains allegedly imperfect because the Demiurge had to work on pre-existing chaotic matter. Christianity and Judaism claim "God" the Creator is good, but Christians claim the soul is corrupt due to the sin of Adam. Gnosticism is another matter.

In Gnosticism the Demiurge (Creator) is by no means all-good, but a bungling and incompetent fool that creates the world as a spiritual prison. Gnosticism also presents a distinction between the highest, unknowable "alien God" and the "creator" of the material -- the Demiurge.

Charles Fort took it one step further by describing the demiurge as the Cosmic Trickster. Neither good nor evil, but always playing meaningful jokes on mankind as he watches us suffer and learn from his lessons.

Phillip K. Dick the Science fiction writer who received posthumous praise for many of his short stories and books spoke of the so-called “matrix” as a “black iron prison.”

The “black iron prison” is a concept of an all-pervasive system of social control postulated in the Tractates Cryptica Scriptura, a summary of an unpublished Gnostic exegesis included in his novel VALIS.

In an early Christian Gnostic book entitled The Testimony of Truth, Jesus advises a disciple to become "a disciple of his own higher mind," and continues to say that one’s higher mind is "the father of Truth." Elsewhere, the Gnostic sage Silvanus encourages his disciples in this way: “Knock on yourself as upon a door and walk upon yourself as on a straight road. For, if you walk on the road, it is impossible for you to go astray. Open the door for yourself so that you may know what is.”

But what is the self?

The ancient sages taught that every human being has a mortal lower self, called the eidolon and an immortal higher self (soul) called the “daemon.” The eidolon is the embodied self, the physical body, and ego personality. The daemon is the spirit, the true self, which is each person's spiritual connection to God. The mysteries were designed to help initiates realize that one’s eidolon is a false self and that one’s true identity is the immortal daemon.

It seems that the daemon you know is your own lower self and you must know how to bring yourself to a higher level so that you can become a builder of that bridge to Heaven.

In this sense, a demons and daemons, basically do not coexist in the same context however to the uninitiated the twinning of the two seem interchangeable but it is said that a daemon is a good and benevolent guardian and the demon is a ruthless watcher that undermines the good nature of man.

The temple of Jerusalem was built with the help of Solomon’s demons. Many ancient traditions assert that Solomon was heavily involved with the demonic realm, and that the integrity of Jerusalem was compromised as a result.

In the Qur'an, Mohammed indicated that there was black magic associated with Solomon's time, although he attempted to exonerate Solomon himself, because he mistook Solomon for a prophet.

The Goetia or The Art of Solomon gives instructions of how to evoke 72 demons which were captured by King Solomon, King of Israel, and according to legend were captivated and sealed in a bronze barrel and then thrown into the depths of the waters. When Babylonians found the barrel, they thought it contains big treasure, so they forcefully opened the barrel and released the demons out along with their legions. They all have returned to the places they’ve been before, with the exception of Belial who remained with the people.


Most of the Goetic gothic demons are known for their expertise in architecture and there are legends claiming many bridges and buildings in Europe were built by Satan and his demons.

“Devil’s Bridge” is a name given to dozens of ancient bridges, found primarily in Europe. Each of the Devil’s bridges has a corresponding devil-related myth or folktale.

St. Cado giving the Devil a cat in exchange for constructing a bridge

St. Cado giving the Devil a cat in exchange for constructing a bridge

saint cloud bridge

The ironwork of the doors of Notre Dame in Paris were believed to built in the 15th century by the demon Biscornet. The portals were replaced in 1860.

Notre Dame Biscornet

With much of what we have heard from Solomon into the 15th and 19th centuries the Devil is the architect. He is the dark father who had a hand in building the chaotic world after God made it a paradise.

The Earth and the matrix in which we live is very much a product of chaos and has been formed as a perfect living space for man. However through the work of the chaotic Master earth has become the home to the fallen angels and they now watch the earth and shake the earth through acts of catastrophe.

Humankind has gone from time of Genesis or the time of the genetic Isis (The era of water), to the time of genetic gnosis, the time of the fire of knowledge, illumination (the Apocalypse.) and palingenesis, a term used to describe the transmigration of consciousness or soul from one body to another. In mythology, palingenesis is often associated with the return of the phoenix.

This is all witnessed by the eye of the great god of chaos. The all-seeing eye now has new meaning for those who do not know the line of thinking handed down from the illuminati.

The great secret of the ages is that Lucifer is the god of this world.

The confusing thing for mankind is that everything about the various religions is true and everything about them is false. It is nothing but an inherited jigsaw puzzle of fact, fantasy and metaphor. If we empower religious words and rituals it would be wise to understand just what is being empowered. We would not want to perform as an inexperienced shaman with a loaded spell. However loaded spells are exactly what the elite love to cast.

The elite are now in the process of hastening the arrival of Armageddon. They are calling upon many of the darker powers and are funding demons that have incarnated into every subject who is a member of ISIS. They have now been possessed by the demonic power of Ahriman Angra Mainyu. This demon dwells in the underground pit with the other demons like Cernunnos. Ahriman like Satan is represented as a serpent, sometimes a toad, or an army of scorpions.

In St. John's Apocalypse it speaks of an army of scorpions that come out of the bottomless pit and how they torment man in what are called the last days. In the ninth chapter of Revelation, the bottomless pit or the abyss opens and what appear to be locusts, pestilence leaves the pit.

The pit also is the place where the demons Abaddon and Apollyon dwell. Ahriman, Abbadon, Apollyon, and Cernunnos are the guardians of the underworld.

CERN the contemporary model for the bottomless pit has been currently seeking God underground looking for the Higgs Boson or “God particle.” Their logo and symbols on their campus are symbolic of the Beast and his number 666 and the gods of destruction. It is possible that the key to unlocking the secrets of the underworld is to play with words numbers and symbols much like Solomon used when he built his temple. With the ring and the key or the Solomon’s key the 72 demons were used to build the temple.

The Dome of the Rock is a Muslim shrine in Jerusalem where Solomon’s Temple used to be. In religious prophecy the Dome of the Rock plays a significant role. It is believed that it will be destroyed before the second coming and the new Temple of Solomon will be built. It is also believed to have a secret buried underneath it in a chamber called “the Well of Souls.”

The Well of Souls is purportedly located below a natural cave under the rock upon which Jewish tradition says Abraham prepared to sacrifice his son Isaac. Islamic tradition indicates Mohammad ascended to heaven from this same stone. According to pre-Islamic folklore the well of souls was a place where the voices of the dead and the and th voices of the ancient demons could be heard along with the sounds of the Rivers of Paradise. There are some Christians and Jews that believe that the well of souls also has buried in one of its chambers the Ark of the Covenant.

There are archeologists that claim the Ark was moved from the Ethiopian Palace of Sheba. A palace dedicated to the worship of the beings that came from Sirius adorned with Pentagrams.

Ultimately, as I have pointed out earlier the pentagram can be traced back to being a symbol of the star, Sirius. Albert Pike, premiere mason and master occultist of 19th century America, identified the "blazing star" which is at the center of every Masonic lodge as the star, Sirius.

Sirius is the brightest star in the heavens and is part of the constellation Canis Major ("Great Dog"). For this reason, among others, it is called the “dog star.” Because of its brilliance, it was worshiped by the ancient cults of both Sumer and Egypt as a god. It was the center of the stellar tradition in Sumeria. It is also known as the “blue star.”

Sirius was known to the Greeks as Sothis and to the Egyptians as Set. Set is the Egyptian religion's devil, and is represented as a dog-headed man. He is called by Masons and Rosicrucians the "Argentinium Astrum" or Silver Star, and is the patron of the highest three degrees (or spheres) of the magical Tree of Life (from the Cabala.) His reputation extends back in literature to the time of the Greek writer, Herodotus.

An altar at the Palace of Sheba was dedicated to the God Sothis, this the Greek word for Sirius. On the Altar was where the Ark used to be. A cult of Sothis developed in Ethiopia with the arrival of Judaism continued until 600 AD, They found that the buildings at the site were aligned with Sirius the brightest star in the heavens. There are also symbols of the blazing star, rising sun and obelisk that adorned the altar.

The ritualistic symbolism and altar was dedicated to the process of beckoning the ultra terrestrials or demons to come and inhabit the bodies of humans, making them shape shifters of changelings.

It is said that the rituals continue and that the secrets of the demons are slowly coming to the surface and with new technology it will be an easier feat to call down from the many dimensions the same demons that were seen at the time that Nimrod built his tower, and Solomon built his temple.

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