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Sunday, March 1, 2015

WOW! Chemtrails With Mysterious BLACK LINE PHENOMENUM...WTF??

WOW! Chemtrails With Mysterious BLACK LINE PHENOMENUM...WTF??

So who is up for explaining this one....

Ive always been fascinated by the chemtrailing that goes on in our skies on an almost daily basis, in fact, it was one of the first things i questioned when the "wake up" hit me..

Id be walking around and seeing these "lines" in the skies, and i could remember back as a child when this wasnt the case. Well that got me researching and i found out all about the chemtrailing operations that exist both past and present.

Along the way i came across something called "black line phenomenum" and i actually dismissed it at first, that was, until i seen it and filmed it myself back in 2013.

Well, just a few days ago, much to my amazement, guess what?? BLACK LINES AGAIN!! Ive posted a few of the images in the video below and included my 2013 video and another video in which you can clearly see the "black line" being projected in front of one plane as another goes by without it!

One explaination - a particle beam, which with the addition of extra metalic particles would be enhanced. I cannot confirm this is the answer to this particular riddle, but its about the best opinion i came across.

So, over to you... What the hell is the black lines all about??

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