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Friday, February 13, 2015

Kevin Barrett says Putin set to drop “truth bomb” on USA



So 9/11, the neoconservative New Pearl Harbor, has hollowed out America, not strengthened it. The false-flag attack on New York and Washington has left the US morally and financially bankrupted, without a functioning Constitution, fragmented in every conceivable way, lacking domestic and international legitimacy, and no longer in a position to be even a first among equals, much less a self-styled sole superpower.

The neoconservatives, whose top priority has always been Israel, are in a panic. Their only hope is to flee forward into ever-bigger wars. That is why Netanyahu is so desperately lobbying for a war on Iran that would set the Middle East, and perhaps the whole world, on fire. And that is why such neoconservatives as Victoria Nuland are pushing for a war with Russia that would in all likelihood go nuclear.

World War III is the last desperate hope for the neoconservatives and their Likudnik allies. Such a war would usher in martial law, enable the suppression (or at least continued obfuscation) of the truth about 9/11, and save the neocons from treason trials, and Israel from dismantlement.

Though Putin doesn’t want to play his ace in the hole, the 9/11 truth card, until he absolutely has to, the moment of truth may have finally arrived. As soon as it becomes absolutely clear that the US is never going to back off from its attempt to turn Ukraine into a hostile NATO base; that the economic war on Russia has reached a point of no return; that the neoconservative “flight forward” into World War III is inevitable…

…at that point, no sooner and no later, Putin will slap his 9/11 truth card down on the table and let the chips fall where they may.

If he plays it too soon, he is taking unnecessary risks.

But if he waits too long, the move will lose its impact. (Once World War III is underway, 9/11 truth from the Russian government will be dismissed as propaganda, and censorship under martial law will turn the truth bomb into a dud.)

I believe the moment of truth is at hand. Strategically, Putin needs to play his 9/11 truth card now.

The Pravda story, confirmed by VT’s inside sources, suggests that the card is about to be played.

Gordon Duff reported here Tuesday – and as discussed on today’s False Flag Weekly News click here for story links)

Read more about Kevin Barrett says Putin set to drop “truth bomb” on USA

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