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Monday, January 26, 2015

The Jews, their arsehole war god and supremacist religion

Listen to the Rebel Website's editor "Rebel of Oz" giving his 5 cents worth of comments on the Jews, their arsehole war god, and their supremacist religion.


Who are the Jews?

Just have a look. Arent' they lovely?! I can show you hundreds of pictures like that. They are truely amazing. God's "Chosen People"! That says a lot about their god, doesn't it!

Well a whopping 90% of modern Jews, the Yiddish speaking Ashkenazi, are the descendants of - it's kind of ironic - Attila's Huns and their Germanic rape victims. Ironic, because it was the warmongering Jew media in the US that dubbed Germans Huns to promote America's entry into World War I.

The trouble all started with the building of the Great Wall of China...

Originally they came from Mongolia. Anyone who's seen pictures of Mongolia, knows that's it's a very poor, not very fertile, not very hospitable country. All they could do is have herdes of whatever animals and what they did to supplement their income was to invade China every so often and plunder, pillage, and rape it and do whatever they felt like doing, until the Chinese built the Great Wall, which got in the way of things. This is why they looked elsewhere.

So they went westward and tried to conquer Europe. They made it all the way to France, where they got defeated in the battle of Chalons, and then they retreated and get defeated again by the Germans, that is Germanic tribes, which pretty much mean the end of the Hun campaign, except for - what most people don't realise - is that they settled down and formed this, the medieval kingdom of Khazaria.

... and the mass conversion to Judaism of the Khazar Huns

Did you notice the David's star? What that's referring to is that the Khazar Huns converted to Judaism a few hundert years after settling in Europe, believe it or not!

Why would they do that?

First of all, think about this. The Huns, when they came to Europe, on their horses, they obviously didn't bring their women along. What did they do when they settled? They thought about getting married and starting a family, so where did they get their wifes?

They could have sent for their women in good, old Mongolia, but that would have taken a while and I don't think they were all that patient.

So what did they do? They did what Huns do best. They encircled, raped and pillage a Germanic village, killed everyone inside, except for young girls and younger women, and then they "married" them.

I don't want to even imagine, what happened to those women and how they felt.

Now, they had nowhere to go, because everybody they knew, their family, their cousins, their uncles and aunts, they were all dead, killed by their "husbands". That must have been "very happy marriages", right?!

No wonder, Jewish wives are known to be the biggest bitches in the world. It just got past on. How much happiness can come out of these kind of beginnings?! It's called Kharma.

Anyhow, so they settled down, in what's now Southern Ukraine and Southern Russia between the Khaspian and the Black Sea, and formed the kingdom of Khazaria.

The real reason behind the sickening Jewish obsession with the male organ

The traditional religion of the fathers, of the Khazars, how they called themselves in those days, was the traditional Turk "phallus cult".

Have you ever heard of a "phallus cult"? It's a religion that adores the male, sexual member. So they had statues of all sizes, ammulets, in penis shape, and they were "God" to them.

Now remnants of that traditional Turk/Khazar/Hun can be still seen in modern Jewish sub-culture. Their obsession with the male organ, and their amazing domination of the pornographic and prostitution industry, that's just how they are designed.

So, what happened? So they settled down in the Southern Ukraine and Southern Russia between the Khaspian and Black Sea. The men were hardly at home. They were so busy killing, raping and pillaging. So what language to you think that those poor Germani, East Goth women spoke to their children, the fruits of those "happy marriages"? I doubt they spoke Turkish to them, because they probably didnt' know enough Turkish yet. They probably spoke to them in their medieval Germanic dialect.

That's how Yiddish came about. Yiddish is a medieval Germanic dialect, interlaced with Turk and Hebrew words. The Hebrew words came in later, when a couple of centuries later, the Khazars were no longer so much attached to their traditional phallus cult any more, for obvious reasons, and in the South, they were neighboring the East Roman Empire, in the South East, there were the Persians and Arabs, and they did business with both of them.

They felt ashamed of their religion, it must have been embarassing. So the Muslims said to them, "Become Muslims," and the East Romans said, "No, become Christians." The Khazars thought, "No, we want to do business with both of them, and they don't like each other, so we can't take side with one or the other."

What happend then, the East Romans and the Muslims were at war with each other, right, all the time?! And guess, who helped the Muslims to conquer the East Roman Empire? You guessed, it the local Jews. They thought it was a great idea to help the enemy. They thought it's good for the Jews, right?! Good for the Jews, to help the enemy to conquer their country.

Constantinople didn't take that all that well, so on some occasions, the East Romans kicked them out. A lot of those Jews had to run for their life and they ended up in Khazaria.

Some of those exiled, refugee Jews suggested to the Khazars, "No, don't become Christians. Don't become Muslims. Be clever, become Jews. That way you can do business with both sides." The Khazars thought that was good idea and converted to Judaism.

Jewish Berber Queen Kahina

The dirty little secret of the Jewish Moors

So the Ashkenazi make up 90% of modern Jews. The next biggest percentage, 7% of modern Jews, are known as Sephardi, which is Hebrew for Spanish. They are the descendants of Berber tribes from the Maghreb, which is today's Marocco, Algeria and Tunesia. They also converted to Judaism under their "Warrior Queen" Kahina, who happened to unit those tribes to a Berber kingdom. Later on they joined forces with the Arabs. They became the Moorish invasion army. And don't forget their Southern Spanish, Andalusian rape victims. Ladino, the language of thei Sephardi, is a medieval Andalusian Spanish interlaced with Berber and Hebrew terms.

muslim warriors

So those converted Berbers came to Spain and Portugal as part of the Moorish troops. Being Jewish they specialised in typical Jewish professions. They became tax collectors, merchants, money lenders, and alike.

When in 1492, the Spanish succeeded in kicking the Moors out of the country, those Jewish Moors were given a choice, three choices actually. The first choice they were given was to die. Not a bad idea, given the fact that we are talking about Jews.

The second choice they were given was to leave the country. So a lot of those Sephardi ended up in places like Holland, which belonged to Spain in those days, or Thesalloniki in East Rome, the second biggest Greek city and even places as far as Goa in India, which as a Portuguese colony back then, and places like Baghdad, which was the capital of the Muslim Empire, the Khalifat.

Those Goa and Baghdad Jews became the Jewish traders who flooded the Chinese market with opium, who felt that it wasn't a good idea to sail to China with empty ships. They did not want to just come back with silk and porcellan. They wanted to sell something to the Chinese as well. They became the Kadoori and - who was the other one? - the Sassoons. You know, Vidal Sasson, the hair product company? They were Baghdad Jews, they got rich selling opium to the Chinese, and then later, they married into the Rothfilth crime family and became Lord Sassoons. Yeah, behind every Lord and Lady in Britian, there is some big crime.

The Plague of the Fertile Crescent

The third biggest group, a mere 3% of modern Jews, known as "Oriental Jews", they're the only Jews who are actually the descendants of the ancient semi-nomadic Hebrews, who were known as the plague of the fertile crescent.

They have been ravaging the Middle-East for thousands of years and got into lots of trouble with the kingdoms and empires around them. They certainly weren't popular with any of them. It's because of the way they behaved.

The first time they gained statehood was through their conquest of Egypt, around 1390 BC. You can see those fair-skinned Egyptian women, holding on to darker skinned Hebrew men. That makes a lot of sense, because modern oriental Jews look very similar to modern Palestinians, and in fact genetically, they are pretty much the same.

They are so similar that when the Zionist Jews in Israel had that splendid idea of developing a biological weapon that only kills Palestinians, a typical Zionist Jew idea. They had to pull the plug on the project, because they worked out that there is not much of a difference, genetically speaking, between Palestinians and oriental Jews.

It's okay, totally fine, ethically and everything, to kill all persons, genocide and the full Rolls-Royce, but it's not okay, to kill even a single Jew, because to Jewish perception, the dirt under the fingernail of a Jew is worth more than the life of a non-Jew.

That's what these guys really believe. It's that sick.

The First Exodus

We have to talk more about what it means semi-nomad. The Hebrews were semi-nomads. What it means is that, normally, they just herd around and shag their sheep, but when they get bored, or it's not making enough money, they just conquer, rape and pillage a neighboring town, just to supplement their income and for entertainment.

That's a parasitical kind of a lifestyle. After 4 generations of sucking out all the wealth of Egypt, in a schoolbook case of Hebrew parasitism, they got kicked out again. I really would like to find out more about how the Egyptians managed to do that. It's definetely the first of hundreds of future expulsions. In the past 1000 years alone the Jews got kicked out of their host country in more than 200 cases. That's an amazing record. There is no other group that comes even close.

After being kicked out of Egypt, the Hebrews regrouped in Palestine and regained statehood, until the Greeks under Alexander the Great put an end to their nonsense in 329 BC. The Greek Empire eventually was succeeded by the Romans. After the death of Emperor Augustus, there has been a very deadly civil war between his three would-be successors. They were fighting each other and brought the Roman Empire to the brink of collapse.

The Hebrew leadership thought the moment was good. Their revolt resulted in the Roman conquest of Judea in 63AD. This is one of the greatest moments in human history. General Titus' sack of Jerusalem was the decisive moment of the first Jewish-Roman war in 66-73AD. Well done, Titus!!! Well done!!! I just wish the Americans would learn from that incident. Just nuke the f***** Israel.

This wonderful moment of the first Jewish-American War in 66-73AD is immortalised in a relief engraved in the famous Titus Arch in Rome. You can see how people, I'm not sure whether they are soldiers or slaves, carrying items from the Jerusalem temple, like this phallus shaped candle holder. I assume it was solid gold, very valuable, if you melt it.

Titus also brought to Rome some 30,000 Hebrew prisoners, who were put to good use building the Colosseum. How inspiring!!! Imagine 20 million Jews put to good use on some public projects. Very inspiring!!!

All of this has been documented in a book, "The Wars of the Jews", by a Jewish historian, going by the Latin name Josephus Titus Flavius, who became the founder of the Christian faith.

Mission Impossible: Demolish the Hebrew Messiah madness

The Romans recognised that the reason why the Hebrews were so much trouble was their belief in a mythical Messiah. The Hebrew priesthood, their Pharisean rabbis, they kept promising them coming of a Messiah, who was supposed to bring them from foreign rule and occupation by the Greeks or Romans, and not only that, but total Hebrew world domination, including death or slavery to all non-Hebrews.

The Hebrews were very inspired and motivated by that promised Messiah. They were always on the lookout for one. That had a lot of potential for trouble for foreign occupants like the Romans.

As I said, Josephus Titus Flavius was actually a Jew. He wasn't just any Jew. He was one of those 30,000 Jews that the Romans took along to Rome to work as slaves. Josephus Titus Flavius wasn't an ordinary Hebrew. He was the son of a High Priest at the Jerusalem Temple and a royal blood Hebrew princess, so he was part of the Hebrew nobility and ruling elite.

Josephus Titus Flavius was commissioned by the Romans not only with the task of writing down the history of the Jewish-Roman Wars, but also with demolishing the Hebrew Messiah madness. He probably preferred that over working all day as a slave in the hot Roman sun on the construction site for the Colosseum.

Christian faith = Judeo-Roman Psy Ops

The way he went about it was is that he created a Messiah. The Christian faith he created in the process is really only a Judeo-Roman psy ops. He told the Jews, his countrymen, the Hebrews, to stop hoping for the Messiah that was promised to them by their Pharisean rabbis. He told them to pay their taxes, turn the other cheek and love the enemy. Obviously these were all things the Romans were interested in, but we all know how that turned out.

They are still waiting for the Messiah...

By the way, being a Jew, don't expect any originality or creativity from Josephus Titus Flavius. You can't expect any originality or creativity from the scoundrels who brought us master platiators such as the Jewish "saints" Albert Einstein and Elie Wiesel. They are just dodgy by design. There is no creativity, they just steal.

Persian God Mithra

Being a well-educated man, Josephus Titus Flavius was well familiar with the various Middle-Eastern gods. From the Persian god Mithra he stole that he was born to virgin on December 25, had 12 disciples, performed miracles, was dead for dead for 3 days, but then got resurrected. He stole the Mithran "Sunday" worship too.

Egyptian God Horus

From the Egyptian god Horus, Josephus Titus Flavius stole that he was born of a virgin, had 12 disciples, healead the sick and injured, raised "Asar" from the dead, whose name sounds very similar to "Lazarus". He got even crucified and then resurrected after 3 days. Plus, he was frequently referred to as the "Lamb of God" and "the Light".

Greek God Hercules

Last but not least Josephus Titus Flaviusstole from the Greek half-God, Hercules. He was born of a virtuous, moral woman, sired by God Zeus and marked for death at birth by Zeus' wife Hera. He wandered Earth doing miraculous deads, died and ascended to Olympus. After his death, cults arose in the regions that built temples in his name.

... and they are still at least as much trouble as they were in Roman days!


Just look at them! They're just scum, one like the other. If I could get rid of all of them by sacrificing myself, all 20 million, plus their minions, I'd happiliy give my life to make this world a better place.

So what's wrong with the Jewish faith?

A lot of people think the reason why the Jews are so much problem is their religion, the Jewish faith. That's partially true. I'll go into the other reasons in a different presentation.

The god Christians, Muslims and Jews share, the Hebrew war god Yahweh, is actually only one out of many gods in the Hebrew pantheon. Others were Baal, El, and Asherah.

Inspired by Egyptian monotheism, the priesthood of the Hebrew war god Yahweh, the god the Hebrew leadership or royalty openly favoured and who thus became the highest ranked god of the Hebrews, succeeded in pushing all the other Hebrew gods aside.

That Hebrew god Yahweh was - in modern moral terms - an extremely unsavoury, psychopathic, genocidal, supremacist arsehole.

  1. He demanded the sacrifice of all first-born life, both human and animals. Imagine this. If a Hebrew had their first child, they were told by the priests, the rabbis, the Pharisees, that they had to sacrifice their first born child to that god Yahweh. That's the same god the Christians and Muslims are praying to. Wonderful! The same applied to the first-born animals. So if they had a cow, a horse or a sheep, and that animal had its first baby, it had to be sacrificed to that wonderful god. Imagine the trauma a young couple goes through that are freshly married and are having their first child when they have to take that child, cut its throat and throw it on a fire, as a sacrifice to Yahweh, the god of the Jews, the Christians and the Muslims. They changed the rule later on because it caused some problems, but still it went on for a long time.

  2. That same god, he was a war god, he orded the Hebrews, when they went onto one of those "supplement the income" tours, not just to conquer and plunder towns, like Vikings, and steal everything, but they were ordered - via the Yahweh priests - to merciless kill every human being, soldiers, old folks, pregnant women with their babies still in their bellie, even every animals in those towns. I love that god.... not!!!

  3. According to that god, at least that's what the Hebrews were told by their rabbis, according to that god everything is ethical, righteous and good, everything goes as long as the victim is not a Hebrew. So they can rape a 2-3 year old child and it's okay, as long as it's not a Hebrew child. Later on, it got even worse. According to the Babylonian Talmud, the holiest book of the Jews, the baby could even be a Hebrew child. They are sick puppies! They are scum! They are the scum of the Earth! I can't even express, how much I detest them! This world would be a wonderful place, if we could just get rid of them, all of them, every single one, including all their books!

  4. Their god Yahweh, through their priests, that everyting is good that makes even only one Hebrew richer or more powerful, and bad if it does the opposite. That's where the whole "good for the Jews" idea is coming from. It's good for the Jews, if it makes at least one Jew richer, or more powerful, or increase the net value or power of the so-called "tribe". Now you can't be a tribe, if you consist of three or four distinct ethnic groups, like the Swiss, nobody would call them a tribe, because they consists of ethnic Italians, ethnic Germans, ethnic French, and ethnic Ladinos.

  5. That god "Yahweh" supposedly - according to the Jewish rabbis and "holy" books - wants his "chosen people", the Hebrews, to rule the whole world and kill or enslave everyone else, every non-Jew, every non-Hebrew.

It's pretty clear to me, that...

....Judaism is not just a religion, but a plan for world conquest, designed by lunatic religious dudes! It has to be eliminated for humanity to survive!

Imagine what would happen if a White religous leader siad anything crazy like this:

Imagine, someone said something like this about Black people like, "Black people were only created to serve White people as slaves." Or, "Chinese women were only created by God to serve White men as sex toys." Imagine the reaction.

What about secular Jews?

So what about secular Jews, non-religious Jews? Over half of modern Jews are not religious. They don't derive their Jewishness, their Jewish identity, from adhering to the Jewish faith. The Jews have been so busy convincing that our religion is utter bullshit, that most of them ended up becoming Atheists themselves.

Unfortunately, that doesn't make secular Jews any better though. They have just substituted Judaism with their staunch belief in the highly traumatic Holocaust faith. I call it "Holy Hoax" or "Holocult". It really is a religion, a secular religion. And they substituted it with a supremacist judeo-centric version of Social Darwinism. The only reason why Albert Einstein is so popular with the Jew media is that whenever the Jews in Hollywood need a crazy professor, he just looks like Albert Einstein. Albert Einstein supposedly is the proof that Jews are more intelligent than non-Jews, most notably White people, which is utter bullshit. Measurements of the intelligence of various ethnic groups in the United States all prove that Jews are less intelligent that White people. Albert Einstein was just made out by the Jew media to be a genius because they wanted to counter the results from these scientific examinations.

The Jews really believe that they are smarter than everybody else. They are not smarter. They are just more reckless than everyone else. They come up with all sorts of evil scams that no non-Jew would ever consider because they would think it's so evil they wouldn't even been able to imagine it. But Jews they can.

Jewishness in its modern form really is not a religion, ethnicity or nationality.

It's a societally highly harmful mental disorder with symptoms such as supremacist attitudes towards non-Jews, severe manic-depression and psychophath.

The least we should do with them is to put them into some high-security facility for the criminally insane. And, just to be sure, they should be force-sterilised.

Jews suck!

It is high time for a #WorldWithoutJews!

Source: The Rebel Website

Read more about The Jews, their arsehole war god and supremacist religion