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Friday, May 30, 2014


Cognizant of the fact that the main trust of the dragon is deception; could it be the dragon has succeeded in deceiving the whole world and majority in Christendom on who and what all these represent. Let us take a critical and analytical look at facts which show that all these gist about a soon to come great tribulation, giving of the mark of the beast (aka Obamacare RFID chip) is a decoy from the pit of hell. The current position held by many is that Mystery Babylon (The Whore) is a religious city that will rise up in a future great tribulation and that she will work closely with the AntiChrist to enforce the mark of the beast on all the inhabitants of the earth at that future time period. Some claim the government of that future time will be the seven headed beast and the anchor leader will be the Antichrist. Some have even gone further to attribute the antichrist to Obama and the mark of the beast to the OBAMACARE RFID chip. The following facts show that all these are but just a decoy A) The Whore - . In Rev. 17:5 she was clearly described to John as the mother of the abominations of the earth. Deut.25:16 indicate that all the sins committed on earth were abominations initiated by the whore. Thus she's the one who gave birth to, initiated, and brought into being all the abominations (sorcery, idolatry, iniquities) committed on earth. Rev.17:6 and 18:24 further shows she was responsible for, and was the one who engineered the killing of Abel and the saints who have died and of all who died and shall yet die on earth. It is a city that has been from the beginning of the world, ruling over the nations of the earth and will continue till the second coming of Christ. It is not a city that is yet to come in future as we presently presume. The records of Rev. 14:8; 17:2 & 18:3 showed that she ruled over all the nations of the earth from Adam to Christ's second coming. She caused all nations, peoples and kings (all the inhabitants) of the earth to commit fornication (i.e to be joined) with her. This was further explained in Rev.17:4 as abominations and in Rev.18:23c as sorcery. It is for this reason she was called the mother, source and initiator of the abominations of the earth. She is the great city behind all the iniquities of the earth. She was the one that introduced idolatry and sorcery among the inhabitants of the earth. She is also the mother, initiator, source and sustainer of the world system and commerce. There are cities called 'Great Cities' identified in John's revelation and both of them were represented as 'women' and are diametrically opposed to each other: 1. The "great city" or "city of the living God" also referred to as the heavenly Jerusalem. She was responsible for (i.e the mother of) all the righteous seed of the earth - those who keep the commandment of God and the testimonies of our Lord Jesus Christ. She represents the kingdom of God. Rev.21:10; 11:1-2; 12:17; 21:2; Heb.12:22 2. The "great city" which reigns over the kings and nations of the earth. She is also referred to as Babylon, Egypt and Sodom. She was found to be responsible for (i.e the mother of) all the sins and sinners of the world. She represents the kingdom of the dragon. Rev.14:8; 11:8; 17:5 Thus this great city - the Whore or Mystery Babylon - represents the dragon's kingdom. It is also surnamed the 'kingdom of the world' in which the dragon is the prince of the world or grand commander. We have therefore been deceived to believe that Mystery Babylon is a religious city that is yet to show up in a future great tribulation. B) The Seven Headed Beast - The seven headed beast represents the same personalities as the four beasts in the book of Daniel, that will rule over the world till Jesus Christ takes over the kingdoms of the world from the dragon (Rev.13:2).The account of Rev.17:10-18 shows that the seven headed beast represents the kingdoms that rule over the earth. As at the time of the revelation to John, five out of the seven heads (or kingdoms) of the beast had finished their dominion (Rev.17:10). Thus showing that this beast has been in operation well before John's age. We therefore have been wrong to believe that this beast is yet to come in the future. A quick reference to Rev.13 shows that this beast started his operations at the beginning of the world when the dragon came down to earth (Rev.12) and gave all his power to this beast to exercise his wrath against all the inhabitants of the earth and more particularly against those that keep the commandments of God and the testimony of our Lord Jesus Christ. The tenure of this seven headed beast dates back therefore to the beginning of the world and will terminate at the second coming of Christ when the kingdoms of this world would be dissolved and handed over to Christ and His saints. Thus while the dragon has deceived us to believe that this seven headed beast is to begin operation in a future great tribulation he has been in operation since Adam but under the cover of deceit wrecking so much damage to the camp of the saints. C) The Second Beast (also called the False Prophet) - This beast the false is generally referred to as the Antichrist and the anchor king that will reign during a future great tribulation. Some speculate that Obama may be this king. Various national leaders in the past including Hitler have been considered as possible candidates to fit this position. We have shown in A and B above that the idea of a future Great Tribulation in which those two key players are expected to play a leading role is just a delusion, diversionary and a decoy from hell. The truth is that these key players have been playing this role since Adam and winning the battle over nations, peoples, tongues and multitudes and we yet don't seem to recognize this. We have shown that the operations of the seven headed beast dates back to the beginning of the world. If we look closely at Rev.13 you will notice that part of the characteristics of this second beast is that he exercised the same powers as the first beast; part of which was to reign over the world from Adam to Christ 's second coming. Rev.13:14 & 19:20 further confirms that the second beast functioned as an adviser and false Prophet to the first beast and they both operated alongside each other. We have been fooled by the dragon to presume that this aka Antichrist is yet to come in a future great tribulation. Meanwhile he has been operating under the cover of deceit giving people the mark of the first beast having designed the whole world system in such a way that is difficult for people to buy and sell in it unless they submit to the influence and discretionary leadership of the beast. The mark, name or number of the beast is simply IDs, personal identification signs that show the influence authority and ownership of the beast over the lives of those that bear them. That is why there are two sets of people and nation in the world: (i) those that keep the commandments of God and testimony of our Lord Jesus Christ and (ii) those that bear the personal identities of the beast. As earlier shown in Rev.17, the Whore sits upon kingdoms, nations and people causing, riding, compelling and propelling them to commit abominations (iniquities, idolatry, sorcery etc). Thus all that commit iniquities are they that bear the mark of the beast and by these fruits they are identified in our world as children of the beast. On the other hand righteousness is the fruit that identify the saints in our world. These key facts clearly portray the measure of the dragon's deception in our times. Meanwhile a critical study of the constituents of the 'Great Tribulation' from Rev.7:14-17 shows that the great tribulation the victorious saints came out from are all the things in our current world under the heat of the sun that cause so much pain tears hunger and thirst. These things date back to Adam's eviction from the garden of Eden and will continue till Christ's second coming when God will wipe away the tears caused by these pains from the face of the victorious saints. At that same period shall the dragon be bound not to deceive the nations again. The details of these facts are presented in the book "The Great Tribulation" by Chike Udolisa and available for a free download at or


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