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Monday, September 16, 2013

End Game of Obama Dictatorship: Tyranny Rising - Part III

Obama is arming and militarizing all of his governmental agencies to come against us

Sher Zieve * Cananda Free Press

Obama’s popularity has finally begun to tumble. Even some of his Marxist minions who had previously followed his orders and believed his lies without question are now, if even ever so slightly, beginning to query his judgment and motives.

Since 2009, I have been writing and saying on-air that it was and is Barack Hussein Obama’s intent to replace any and all Shiite Muslim leadership with that of the Sunni Muslim Brotherhood (Note: Obama’s “family” members are leaders in the Kenyan branch of the Muslim Brotherhood). That is precisely what he is doing, now, and has been affecting since the beginning of his reign as Dictator-in-Chief of the “New American [Obama] Colonies.”

On the Foreign Front

With his new and yet to be fully realized Syrian adventure (the “Sunni conversion” in Egypt and Libya was already “in the can” for Obama…until the people of Egypt rebelled against it), Obama must continue to work toward toppling Ba’athist leader and Shiite Muslim Bashar Assad and replacing him with an MB operative; no matter what he has to do to accomplish it.

As each day passes and Obama becomes bolder in his foreign policy insanity, his actual personal membership in the Muslim Brotherhood seem increasingly obvious. Yet, those who know it in the media and Congress refuse to allow any of its members to speak the truth that is directly in front of them. And, with his favorable numbers on the wane in a distinct downward slide, The Obama syndicate must work even more quickly to establish its Police State and subjugate the population of the former United States of America.

On the Domestic Front

The ObamaGov has, for the last several years, been buying up hundreds of thousands of guns and billions of rounds of ammo. Why? Virtually all of his government departments have now been armed to the teeth with said guns and ammo. Obama’s Gestapo will be the biggest “private army” of any dictator in the history of the world. In August, the now fully-militarized and heavily armed EPA raided an Alaska gold mine with SWAT teams, under the guise of enforcing the Clean Water Act.

Fully armed US National Park Rangers are now being used in cities to stop protests and opposition to any of Obama’s policies. There have been others but, the most recently reported is that of Army Iraq-war veteran Emily Yates, who was violently arrested by 4 armed Park Rangers for playing her banjo and singing a song opposing Obama’s planned invasion and attack on Syria. While she was calmly talking to the camera, the rangers pounced on her from behind, jerked her arms behind her back and shoved her against a bench. The police shout “stop resisting and stop kicking!!!“ The video clearly shows she is offering little if any resistance and is certainly in no position to kick anyone. The USA IS a police state now, folks. And we-the-people seem to be going along with it on the same path the Germans took while Adolph Hitler was vanquishing all of Germany and then went after other countries. In fear, the German people willingly gave up their guns and when trains transporting Jews to the camps and their deaths rolled by Christian churches on Sundays the congregations simply sang louder so they drowned out the cries for help!

continue article at Canada Free Press:

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