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Sunday, October 13, 2013

Is The Government Shutdown A Display Of Obama’s Marxist Ideology In Order To Have A Communist Style Revolution?

Freedom Outpost


Barack Obama has to be eligible for the greatest "Liar of all Time" award! He lied about Benghazi, and even had people lie for him about Benghazi. All the while, he knew what happened, but Obama could not tell the truth, just a huge lie! Obama lied about Fast and Furious. He lied about the IRS. He lied about no one having to lose their doctors. He lied about no one having to lose their insurance. He lied about not knowing about the World War 2 memorial. He lied about not knowing about the death benefits for the Veterans. Obama has lied more than any other President on record.

obama-marx-128992 Obama began his lies while back at Occidental College in California. He studied Karl Marx under a professor named Roger Boesche, a political theorist on campus that most students followed as a Marxist revolutionary, even though Boesche did not see himself as a Marxist. Many considered Roger Boesche to hold to the Marxist ideology.

Obama made the statement, "We do not increase our debt by increasing the debt ceiling."

Now just think about that for a moment and realize that if we, as individuals, made that type of statement, we would be the laughing stock of the world! Technically, it's correct to say just because you increase a credit limit, it doesn't mean that debt automatically increases. However, when you cannot control your spending, it is automatic that raising the limit will incur increased debt. For instance, we could request an increase in a credit limit on our credit card, but if we aren't spending, then there is no increased debt. However, if we operate in the fashion the federal government is operating, then it is a given that our asking for an increase in a credit limit is to incur more debt.

Obama had made statements that would be considered very damaging to any political office today while he was at Occidental College. We can make such a statement due to an interview with a man who discussed the ideology of Marxism with Obama when Obama was at Occidental College.

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Reposted with permission.

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