These clips below have lots of information, this type of take over can only be funded by bankers. They fund both sides of war. As the federal reserve cabal may be running out of gold because they never have had gold, the economy may go bad if they stop their fiat money.
Bank failures have been planned for a very long time. They made laws now that if you take your money out in large sums, you are an enemy of the state….Learn as much as you can as fast as you can. Be on alert.
Who are the 'useless eaters'? The 'elite' that create military buildups like this, put gmos in our food and chemtrails in our air? Or us 94 million people that live in the USA that now must fight the biggest war in history of the planet?
REMEMBER, putting out electricity in designated sectors of land mass are part of this drill, so at any time be prepared for that.
At one time I really wanted to be a comedy script writer in Burbank and now its come to this. Who knew. God has bigger plans then sometimes we know. Follow your bliss. Be strong AMERICA!!!!!!
This first clip below was created a while back, so ignore dates but KNOW FEMA camps have ovens in them just like NAZI GERMANY, so the data and film edits in the clip are quite powerful and priceless and sad beyond measure.
That’s why the gov’t wanted FEMA camps (tax dollars to kill us) so secret while they made huge profits in building them. How these cruel people live with themselves is beyond me, for anyone that participates in killing is such horrible karma – Jade Helm is TREASON and a horrible evil plan from satans hell on earth.
Prison-labor-is-industrys-best-kept-secret-in-outsourcing-and-what-has-killed-your-job. These 'elites' OWN the major networks and will NEVER tell you the truth. Throw out your television.
Urgent Information Regarding Jade Helm 15 - Body Bags, Trains and The Potential Killing Of Americans
Jade Helm is happening and all the information is dire. According to sources recently a small town in Tennessee received a “gift” from DHS. This gift which was given to a town of 10,000 included 14,000 body bags, an MRAP, endless ammunition, guns, etc…
This info is very alarming because who and where else has received such “gifts.” The potential killing of 14,000 people is why we do what we do. This information has to get out before its too late.
Body Bags being delivered confirmed by Marine The Marine agrees Jade Helm is very real…
Not only are the body bags alarming, but so is the railroad cars that are also mentioned.
The war is drawing nearer and nearer, and this Jade Helm 15 'drill' is looking to go live. Only time tells.
This is Urgent Information Regarding Jade Helm
15 Body Bags, Trains and The Potential Killing Of Americans.
I am from Rhea County TN, a very small town north east of Chattanooga. My father joined HS post 09/11 and is currently a officer. He told me 2 weeks ago that they had been approached by DHS and the city will be receiving a Mrap and endless ammunition, guns, etc … Mid April. This is a town of like 10,000 – very small. My father is concerned with the free gifts.
★Guillotines LEGAL EXECUTION Obamacare Gas Chambers/FEMA Camps★ICD-9 Code Description E978 Obama Trained with the Killer Jesuits – ALERT: U.S. Govt. Black Out Alternative News Sites – Trial Run Tested in California
Read more about LOCK AND LOAD - Another update on Jade Helm operation AGAINST AMERICA
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