Sunday, September 22, 2013

Reptilian DNA Satan Connection: Garden Of Eden

Interview with Scott Alan Roberts

1. What exactly was your prime inspiration and motivation in tackling the Reptilians in your new book The Secret Of The Reptilians?

SR: It was the need to examine the roots of the mythology that drove me to dig into this particular topic - that, and it branched perfectly off my study into the Nephilim. Were there pale-encounters between primordial man and ancient non-human presences, and if there were, why all this connectivity to "reptilian" archetypes throughout history? I wanted to find out how these things were all connected… and I don't know if I actually accomplished that (for myself), or if I simply dredged up many, many more questions.

2. When it comes to the creation stories and mythos on our Earth regarding the Reptilians. Would you say they are mostly presented as evil? I know there is a story of the Buddha meditating and a many headed Naga protects him from the rain so he can achieve Nirvana I think it is. Thoughts on good Reptilians?

SR: This is where I can get into deep theological quagmires, but one must consider this in order to be approaching the topic with any sort of non-theological honesty. Perhaps the biblical accounts of so-called serpent encounters were not as intrinsically evil as the faith story might suggest. When one compares the religious stories of serpents, the creature is actually presented as both the most feared and the most revered of creatures.

The evil representation comes from our culture's close proximity to the Judeo-Christian stories of an evil serpent-like character that offers temptation to humanity, thereby precipitating the "fall of mankind" into a hereditary sin nature, resulting in the need for redemption and a savior. But when compared to other ancient religious stories, the serpent character becomes more of a deliverer of "forbidden knowledge," and the god or gods become the jealous, proprietary types who seek to condemn the serpent for his actions that "let the cat out of the bag."

There are many "good serpents" recorded throughout human legend and mythology - well, "good," insofar as their function and interaction with humanity was not one that necessarily wreaked havoc or dispensed evil. The Chinese Dragon, certainly a form of the serpent, has always been considered to be a happy, peaceful, fertility bearing being.

3. I know in your book you delve into some of the zany theories regarding the Reptilians from people like David Icke and others. Reptilian shapeshifter Illuminaughty conspiracies from planet Zanzabarf. What are your thoughts on some of the hype out there? And any other theories you would like to share you came across out there in the perimeter?

SR: I think this brand of hype is indicative of the same sort of thing you saw in religion-building down through the ages. Of course, today we don't refer to it as "religion," but it has all the same historical/anthropological earmarks. In Icke's case, when you declare that you are a "Son of God" - and not simply in the spiritual, "we are all children of God" sense - you run a dangerous course.

I am not one who quickly sidles up alongside “great awakenings,” new spiritual movements or hyperfastidious conspiracy theories. They all generally tend, to me, to be the stuff of manufactured emotional reactions to hypothesis that are either not well researched - historically, spiritually, anthropologically - and many times are not well-articulated, despite their complex-yet-imaginative constructs. Most of these types of theoretical movements rely far too heavily on fanciful whimsy, bolstered by a desire to find something new and exciting, filled with elements unwittingly designed to ‘suspend reality,’ or move the mind away from the mundane – not to mention the targeting of political opponents.

Far too many times throughout human history we have seen the devastatingly horrific result of revolutionary new movements that explode onto the scene, spewing theoretical spiritualities, political conspiracies or vox populi – vox Dei, but in the long run end up being little more than mere flashes in the pan, lacking substance and longevity, resulting in the martyrdom (whether literal or metaphoric) of self-proclaimed messiahs and the murder, suicide or disbanding of disciples. Yet those movements that do gain a foothold and garner mass followings trend to the darker elements of racial bigotry, genocide, political xenocide and holocaust, building gravitas and momentum by catering to the fears of potential devotees and zealous followers, alike.

People are always looking for something that is different than what they already have, or more exciting than what are told they should be satisfied with. Spiritually, politically and conspiratorially based movements generally thrive within, around and despite the well-established religions, spiritualities, sciences and governments that are deeply entrenched in our societies and cultural histories.

4.What is your perspective on a Reptilian race visiting or living on our planet? I mean for so many belief systems to embrace this serpentine side it most assuredly makes sense. In my younger years of foolish occult use and experimentation with drugs, I had a Reptilian experience of seeing beings who most assuredly were multidimensional and seemed to have telepathic contact with me. So I do believe they exist. I have found similar experiences of such beings in the Shamanism genre usually induced by psychedelics.

SR: Without getting into the efficacy of psychedelics in shamanic and vision work, the notion of an existent race of Reptilians who came from a distant star constellation (many say the constellation of Draco - how appropriate) who settled on Earth, interbreeding or genetically creating from primordial hominids, the human race, has led to many people, over the centuries and millennia, saying that they have interacted with these beings.

The big problem is to decipher what is real historical information versus what is legend, religion and mythology. Now, as we all know, all mythology has at its headwaters some kernel of fact. But dissecting that information beyond that basic understanding - especially with the notion of an existent extraterrestrial reptilian race - is nearly impossible.

Deep within well-established philosophies, religions and political mindsets, there are embedded messages and encoded languages that tend to shift the paradigm away from the established way of thinking. Once this new information is articulated and disseminated, established systems of spiritual belief and practice, are enhanced, expanded and in many cases re-write the history of a well-established, firmly entrenched philosophy. The end result is that the new twist can sometimes appear to be a ‘new awakening’ or ‘new conspiracy theory,’ when it is in reality an illumination of something that already exists; an expansion based on a fresher understanding of what was already there.

5. What light can shed you on the serpent of the Garden of Eden? What do you think the story represents and do you think it signifies some type of tampering of human DNA from a reptilian race?

SR: The serpent in the Garden of Eden, though allegorical in nature and very possibly the stuff of Hebrew religious mythology, is a figure who represents a very real source of what has become an emerging understanding of a very real bloodline running through the veins of human descendents throughout all of human history. I believe the entire account of the Garden of Eden and Eve's encounter with the serpent character was not at all about the eating of a piece of fruit. The message is more encoded than that, and has to do with sexual experience and the dissemination of forbidden knowledge of the gods.

There is, indeed, a Reptilian factor to humanity and it shines through our religious and cultural icons. The serpent is one of the oldest and most widespread mythological symbols. Snakes have been associated with some of the oldest religious rituals known to humankind and have carried the dual expression of both good and evil. From the Hebrews’ Serpent in the Garden to the Mayans’ Quetzalcoatl; the Bhuddist Naga to the Rattlesnake on the early Colonial American flags; the African Dahomey and Aido Hweido to Jörmungandr of the Nordic mythologies; Ouroboros is the ancient Near Eastern serpent devouring it’s own tail, representing the great cycle of life. Then there exist everything from sea serpents to St. George and the Dragon, and even the medical caduceus.

If symbolism, however, was all there was to the traceable bloodlines of the serpent, the flesh and blood of the story would be a short, sweet, picturesque history lesson. Demystifying the cover story of the serpent in the Garden of Eden is only the beginning. Identifying the source point of his and countless other mythological and cultural counterparts is what will allow us to see the tangible evidence of ancient human encounters with non-human entities, revealing what that lies beneath the surface of old mythologies as they meld into current-day accounts.

The human race has not yet experienced a full-fledged ‘first contact’ with any alien race – at least none that has been disclosed. And those who have made experiential disclosures are generally poo-pooed by the skeptical, scientific, religious and even hopeful, believing camps. What we do have, however, are countless numbers of ancient documents and texts that record interactions with what can only be described as non-human intelligences. And most of these ancient documents categorize these intelligences as their version of gods, angels, demons and spirit beings, the biblical stories of the Sons of God, the Watchers and their offspring, the Nephilim being prime examples.

6. How does the Quest for the Holy Grail fit into the Reptilian equation and what is this about Jesus and Lucifer being brother gods in the Hebrew pantheon?

SR: There is an enduring, shadowy, hypothetical mythology surrounding the ancestry and lineage of Jesus Christ, with the trail originating in first century Palestine, leading to the thrones of the Merovingian kings of Franco Europe. It has been claimed that Mary Magdalene was Jesus’ concubine, and Mormonism claims that Jesus was a polygamist. There are also theories that Jesus turned – of all things – atheist, married Mary and went to Europe. If there existed any genuine historical data to back any of these claims, they have been lost to antiquity. What we have today are countless books on the subject, some rich in history, other just as rich in conspiratorial magma and speculative kookiness. So, it is left to the interpretations of the readers of the many literary works glutting the shelves - both fiction and non-fiction - to determine their veracity, in lieu of any solid proofs.

The Merovingians have been presented as kings who established their power by claiming they were descended from the bloodline of Jesus Christ, who, if the claim were true, would had to have been married and producing offspring in order to leave a traceable bloodline. That bloodline being the actual lineage of the "grail," which was the offspring of Jesus, as Dan Brown's novel laid out in fictional interpretation of the 2000 year old mythology.

The added wrinkle is that the Merovingians also claimed they had the bloodline of the "serpent" - Lucifer - streaming through their veins. Therein lies your reptilian connection.

7. You mention the Serpent bloodline / Serpent seed doctrine heavily when it comes to humanity. Could you go into this with us a bit origins wise?

SR: The Serpent Seed, Dual Seed or Two-Seedline is a controversial - even heretical - doctrine according to which the serpent in the Garden of Eden, Nachash, mated with Eve, and the offspring of their sexual union was Cain, thereby bequeathing a bloodline that threads throughout humanity. Bingo. There it is. The connection to reptilians is made.

The reaction in fundamentalist Christian circles is, “What!? Eve mated with Satan and bore the Devil’s child?! And there is a line of descendency?? Impossible. Not in my Bible!” But you have to disavow yourself of contemporary notions and fictions such as the idea behind Rosemary’s Baby or such other works when attempting to understand these concepts. Nachash was not Satan. He was not the Devil. He may not have even been Lucifer, despite the later works in the Bible attributing Lucifer/Satan/Devil to the Serpent in the Garden. And keep in the forefront of your mind, the only biblical passages making this claim do not spell it out in precise detail, nor can they, generally, withstand the scrutiny of criticism on a linguistic level. Never is Nachash, the Serpent in Genesis, directly said to be Lucifer, Satan or the Devil.

So, the Serpent Seed Doctrine is one that states that Lucifer planted his seed into humans as early as the Garden of Eden when the serpent impregnated Eve. That is start of the doctrine, but the bigger question is whether or not Nachash was Lucifer.

8. How was Adolf Hitler influenced by the Serpent bloodline of the Merovingians and who are the Merovigians exactly and their claim?

SR: The Merovingian bloodline was at the core of the founding of such Germanic revivalist organizations as the Thule Society and greatly influential in the Theosophist movement of the mid-nineteenth century. In 1919, at the age of thirty, Adolph Hitler joined the Thule Society. It was this organization that Hitler later reconceived and organized into the National Socialist German Worker’s Party, better known as the Nazi Party. The Thule Society was founded a year earlier by the followers of two men: Jorg Lanz Von Liebenfels – who later claimed that it was his “occultist ideals” that helped form Hilter’s thinking - and Guido von List, a Viennese “Renaissance Man” of many varied interests and talents, who gained his popular notoriety as an occultist and völkisch (ethnic folk) author.

The occultist origins of Nazi Aryanism, specifically as influenced by the Thule’s philosophical foundation, heavily relied on ancient occultist supernaturalism to imbue their members with powers to be used for their Aryan claims and the foundational thinking behind their belief in the use of eugenics. The fire of Adolph Hitler’s dream of an Aryan super-race was fueled by the underlying occult theology of the Thule Society. Adhering to the belief that they were somehow infused with esoteric powers passed on to them by the spirits of the lost civilization of Atlantis, members of the society regarded themselves as metaphysically imbued with the god-like wisdom of these advanced ancients, fueling them to create a new race of Aryan supermen. They followed a more-or-less Darwinian philosophy that moved them by some esoteric “eminent domain” to claim superiority and eliminate the 'inferior' races.

9. Was the Hebrew religion founded on the coattails of the Sumerian religion? What Annunaki are linked to the Hebrew religion possibly? And in your opinion are the Annunaki of reptilian descent?

SR: There exist many other world cultures that have varying accounts of creation and the first family, some of which border on that fairy tale sort of scenario, such as gods or great human warriors casting beasts and animals into the skies to create the swath of heavenly constellations

I believe that Moses, the founder of Judaism, relied heavily on Egyptian religion and tradition as well as the ancient influence of the Sumerian culture's religious mythologies. When you start noting the similarities between the Sumerians' story of creation, flood account and other ancient tales, you start to see the obvious influence on the writing of the Book of Genesis in the Hebrew bible.

Taking biblical stories and dissecting them to lay bare the internal organs and skeletal structure is a meticulously important process necessary in an understanding of ancient culture. Simply said, the Bible, for all of its gloriously revered tales of Jehovah God and his interactions with his human creation, spawning three of the world’s major religions, is a source point for understanding the ancient anthropology of humanity. Depending on your view of the veracity of biblical scripture, there is no shadow of doubt that it’s pages reveal stories, accounts, myths, legends and fables that mirror – or are mirrored by – a plethora of cultures in the ancient world. The importance of the bible, if not for faith and practice, is to see it as a book that demonstrates another facet of events as experienced and recounted by ancient mankind. A version, if you will, of common events experienced by ancient humanity.

Accordingly, if you are of Judeo-Christian or Muslim religious heritage, the pages of these religious texts and biblical scripture are Truth. According to certain Christian denominations, “The Bible is the only foundation and authority for faith and practice.” While this may or may not be true, it is clear that when one takes a step back from the text of the bible, removing the sometimes rose-colored glasses of dogma and systematic theology, you can start to read between the lines and see, as it were, the vastness of the world flickering between the slats as you walk along the perimeter fence of one of the world’s most holiest of books.

The Annunaki, being the pantheon of Sumerian gods, were said to have created "primeval man" to "do the work of the gods." In other words, a slave race. Elil the chief god of the Annunaki enlists the talents of his brother god, Enki (known as Ea in the neighboring Akkadian culture) to create humanity. It is later Enki who aids the humans in their rebellion against Elil, thereby landing himself in condemnation. With the migration of mankind from the Fertile Crescent to the Canaanite region over the next 1500-2000 years, Elil became "El" (the Hebrew name of God: Elohim, Elshaddai, ElAlyon) of the Hebrew culture, and Enki/Ea became Yahweh (Jehovah).

The similarities are staggering, and the borrowing of one culture's religion into the next is common anthropological practice.

10. Looking forward highly to our interview, what can you tell us about Paradigm Symposium 2013 and also your upcoming book Exodus with Dr. John Ward?

SR: The Paradigm Symposium 2013 (PS2013) is being held in Minneapolis on October 17-19, 2013. On the heels of the highly successful Paradigm Symosium 2012 this last October - which hosted such luminaries as Erich von Daniken, George Noory, Linda Moulton Howe, Giorgio Tsoukalos, Philip Coppens, Laird Scranton, Marie D. Jones, Larry Flaxman, Nick Redfern and many others - we are holding another symposium with an equally impressive guest list:

Scott Wolter from History Channel's H2 Network's, "America Unearthed;"

Giorgio A. Tsoukalos from H2's "Anicent Aliens;" Egyptological historian and researcher, Robert Bauval, author of the bestselling "L.A. Marzulli, author of the best selling Nephilim trilogy and the new Watchers series; Nick Redfern, prolific ufological/cryptozoological author; and many others who you can see at the official website:

Tickets are on sale, now.

About the Author

Scott Alan Roberts is the founder and publisher of Intrepid Magazine, a journal dedicated to politics, science, and unexplained phenomena. He is a radio show host and popular public speaker. Roberts was editor-in-chief of SyFy's Ghost Hunters official publication, TAPS paraMagazine. He attended Bible college and theological seminary, working toward his master's in divinity, but left for a 33-year career

in advertising and publishing as an art and creative director, designer, illustrator, photographer, and writer. Roberts is the author of The Rise and Fall of the Nephilim.

This publication and many other fine publications can be bought at

Jeffery Pritchett is the host of The Church Of Mabus Show bringing you high strange stories from professionals in the carousel of fields surrounding the paranormal.

Read more about Reptilian DNA Satan Connection: Garden Of Eden

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